Biocodex and Laboratoires IPRAD have complementary product portfolios in the field of family health. The two companies together should make us a major player, particularly in the domain of microbiotas, with two-thirds of the overall turnover which is generated internationally.

IPRAD history
Laboratoires IPRAD is a family business founded in 1989. It has enjoyed strong growth over the last 30 years, as a proud leader on the French Feminine Care market, mainly thanks to the Saforelle®, Mucogyne®, Gestarelle®, Physioflor®, and a drug gynecologic portfolio Secnol® et Gydrelle®. IPRAD is also active in the Family Care market, with Thalamag® or Chronodorm® brands.
BIOCODEX history
Biocodex is also a family business, founded in 1953, and is known for its expertise in gastroenterology, thanks to its flagship strain, Saccharomyces Boulardii CNCM i-745, launched under the brand Ultra-Levure® in France, and Enterol®, Floratil® or Bioflor® abroad. Biocodex has established itself as a leader in the field of microbiota, with the recent launch of Symbiosys®, an innovative range of probiotics, by the Biocodex Microbiota Foundation, which finances fundamental research, and by the Biocodex Microbiota Institute. Biocodex has proven expertise in the central nervous system, particularly with its development of the innovative orphan medicine, Diacomit®, indicated for Dravet syndrome.

Our common goals
New dynamics
The new dynamic that will arise from the synergy of the two companies will help consolidate the growth of both groups. It will strengthen our respective positioning in France and speed up the international development of Laboratoires IPRAD products, thanks to Biocodex’s solid foothold comprised of 17 subsidiaries and a network of about a hundred distributors.
Family care
IPRAD is also active in Family Care, notably with the Thalamag® or Chronodorm® brands and the CARRARE range of food supplements, offering products for the good health of human microbiota.